A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao Tzu

Our services

  • Soul Coaching

    Self-discovery of different aspects of your life: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual with the guidance of soul coach.

    60 mins |  €150 (excl. VAT)

  • Somatic Coaching

    Psychosomatic Coaching that enables processing and release of stored emotions in a body with the guidance of somatic coach.

    60 mins |  €150 (excl. VAT)

  • Leadership Coaching

    Exploration and expansion of your self-leadership and other people leadership with the guidance of leadership coach in a safe space.

    60 mins |  €150 (excl. VAT)

  • Business Facilitation

    Designing / co-creating workshops for your organisation to drive a meaningful change for people & business with business facilitator.

    Design & Facilitation | 60 mins €150 & €250 (excl. VAT)

“..deep transformative experience.. during my somatic emotional release session I was able to connect with my feeling of self-doubt & liberate from it’s power.. I felt very safe & welcomed by Ekaterina.”

— Olivia R., Soul Circle Client

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.